題して、Transform your marketing with Customer Stories
Forget pointless “customer comments” and convincing but boring “customer case studies”: real and appealing “customer stories” are the best way to boost your sales
(集めるだけの「お客様の声」ではなく、もっともらしいだけで退屈な「導入事例」でもなく、リアルで訴求力の高い「お客様事例」こそ、売り上げ倍増のBEST WAY!)
1. What is a customer story and why is it better than a customer comment?
2. The customer’s three-stage reaction when you try to sell them something
Mental wall 1: “Really?” (ホントか?の壁)
Mental wall 2: “Why?”(なぜだ?の壁)
Mental wall 3: “Tell me more.”(もっとくわしく!の壁)
3. Why a customer story is better than a customer case study
4. I recommend you use customer stories if…
5. Who I am and why I created this site
I did not set up this website for business purposes. My intention is not to sell any services or products here. I just wanted to say something to the world over the Internet. This is a little like putting a message in a bottle: I hope someone will find it, some day. That’s why I set up this site